ACU Iftar

The Australian Catholic University (ACU) Iftar Dinner was held at Melbourne St Patrick’s Campus on Tuesday; 7 July. Organised by ACU and the Australian Intercultural Society (AIS); the event was attended by over 100 guests.

The MC for the evening was Edmund Chia Senior Lecture in Theology at ACU and coordinator inter-religious dialogue network. Dr Hakan Coruh gave the call to prayer (Adhan) and recited several verses from the Quran. Guest greetings were offered from Frank McGuire Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research and State Member for Broadmeadows and Inga Peulich Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs; followed by a synopsis on Ramadan iftars and gatherings by AIS Executive Director Ahmet Keskin.

The guests then had the pleasure to hear keynotes addresses on ‘Respect for the Sacred’ from both the Christian perspective by Sr. Cheryl Camp PhD Candidate at ACU and by Mrs Zuleyha Keskin PhD candidate ACU from the Muslim perspective.

The highlight of the evening was the official launch of the Multi-faith Room by Dr John Ballard; Associate Vice Chancellor along with members from a diverse range of faiths including Imam Dr Bekim Hasani; Imam of Carlton Mosque; Rabbi Fred Morgan Emeritus Rabbi Temple Beth Israel and Rev Geoff Cheong Minster of Holy Trinity Balaclava.

The dinner also featured a spiritual whirling dervishes performance from members of the Naqshbandi Nazimiyya Sufi Order and Taize prayers.

The evening concluded with a word of thanks by Associate Professor Robyn Horner Acting Dean of Faculty and exchange of gifts.


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