Councillor Susan Riley
Susan has extensive experience in local government having served three terms as Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Susan was also the first female Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne. In 2015, Susan was recognised for her service to local government and received a Councillor Service Award through the Municipal Association of Victoria. In addition to experience in local government, Susan has enjoyed a distinguished career spanning more than 25 years in the publishing and media industry. She is a Director of two city-based publishing companies supporting local business, community networks and information exchange. Susan is also a Director of Procurement Australia and Board Member of the RMIT University School of Fashion and Textiles and sits on the Employability and Student Experience sub-committee. Susan is passionate about Melbourne and is a strong advocate for small business, women in business and community development. Following her election as a Councillor, her passion and contribution in these areas saw Susan given portfolio responsibilities of Chair Small Business, Retail and Hospitality and Deputy Chair Prosperous City.